The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
297 lines
#ifndef FKEY
struct fkey
unsigned F1: 1;
unsigned F2: 1;
unsigned F3: 1;
unsigned F4: 1;
unsigned F5: 1;
unsigned F6: 1;
unsigned F7: 1;
unsigned F8: 1;
unsigned F9: 1;
unsigned F10: 1;
unsigned F11: 1;
unsigned F12: 1;
unsigned PgDn: 1;
unsigned PgUp: 1;
unsigned UP: 1;
unsigned DOWN: 1;
#define FKEY
#ifndef ITEM
struct item_struct
int row; /* row position */
int col; /* column position */
char width; /* width of largest item */
char items; /* number of items */
int pos; /* current position in table */
#define ITEM
struct le_input
char type;
char row;
char col;
int help;
double *dbl_val;
long *long_val;
char left_dig;
char right_dig;
char size;
char lines;
char *string;
char **item_table;
int item_pos;
char *item;
char key;
int help;
struct BMENU
char *title;
char row;
char col;
char pos;
char items;
char box_type;
char explode_sw;
int help;
struct BOX_MENU
char *msg1;
char *msg2;
char *msg3;
char pos;
char row;
char col;
char items;
char explode_sw;
char help;
#define ESC 27
#define BELL "\a"
#define SPACE ' '
#define MINUS_SIGN '-'
#define DEC_PT '.'
#define TAB 9
#define COMMA ','
#define BACK_SPACE '\b'
#define DEL_KEY 21248 /* delete key int value */
#define CURS_RIGHT 19712 /* cursor right int value */
#define CURS_LEFT 19200 /* cursor left int value */
#define CURS_UP 18432 /* cursor up int value */
#define CURS_DOWN 20480 /* cursor down int value */
#define SPECIAL_FKEYS 40 /* number of user defined help keys */
/* box drawing characters */
#define S_VLINE '│'
#define S_HLINE '─'
#define S_ULCOR '┌'
#define S_URCOR '┐'
#define S_LLCOR '└'
#define S_LRCOR '┘'
#define D_VLINE '║'
#define D_HLINE '═'
#define D_ULCOR '╔'
#define D_URCOR '╗'
#define D_LLCOR '╚'
#define D_LRCOR '╝'
#define SD_ULCOR '╒'
#define SD_URCOR '╕'
#define SD_LLCOR '╘'
#define SD_LRCOR '╛'
#define DS_ULCOR '╓'
#define DS_URCOR '╖'
#define DS_LLCOR '╙'
#define DS_LRCOR '╜'
#define S_LEND '├'
#define S_REND '┤'
#define D_LEND '╠'
#define D_REND '╣'
#define S_TEND '┬'
#define S_BEND '┴'
#define D_TEND '╦'
#define D_BEND '╩'
/* le_size_cursor manifest constants */
#define CURSOR_OFF 0
#define CURSOR_ON 1
/* le_draw_border(), le_draw_hline(), & le_draw_vline() manifest constants */
#define SINGLE_LINE 1
#define DOUBLE_LINE 2
#define SVER_DHOR 3 /* box: single verticle - double horizontal */
#define DVER_SHOR 4 /* box: double verticle - single horizontal */
#define SINGLE_ENDS 3 /* line: single ver/hor line with ends */
#define DOUBLE_ENDS 4 /* line: double ver/hor line with ends */
/* exploding box constants */
#define EXPLODE_ON 1
#define EXPLODE_OFF 0
/* le_inpt() manifest constants */
#define GET_DOUBLE 0
#define GET_LONG 1
#define GET_DATE 2
#define GET_ITEM 3
#define GET_MULTLN 4
#define GET_STRING 5
/* le_restore_block() manifest constants */
#define RESTORE_ONLY 1
#define FREE_ONLY 2
#define RESTORE_FREE 3
/* external variables from le_menu.c */
extern char _le_bmenu_bar_clr;
extern char _le_bmenu_clr;
extern char _le_bmenu_act_clr;
extern char _le_bmenu_norm_act_clr;
extern char _le_bmenu_shadow;
extern char _le_bmenu_hot_sw;
extern char _le_bmenu_width;
extern char _le_bmenu_rows;
/* external variables from le_inpt.c */
extern char _le_clr_in; /* input color */
extern char _le_clr_out; /* output color */
extern int _le_toggle_key1; /* input toggle #1 */
extern int _le_toggle_key2; /* input toggle #2 */
extern int _le_skey[]; /* special input function keys */
/* external variables from le_util.c */
extern long _le_tenth; /* fudge factor for exploding box */
/* external variables from le_help.c */
#define LE_HELP_PAGES 200
extern long _le_help_page[LE_HELP_PAGES]; /* help page */
extern char _le_help_load_sw; /* help facility load switch */
extern char _le_help_file[]; /* help file name */
extern char _le_help_row; /* help window screen row */
extern char _le_help_col; /* help window screen column */
extern char _le_help_width; /* help window width */
extern char _le_help_move_sw; /* help window move switch */
extern char _le_help_reset_clr; /* screen reset color */
extern char _le_help_clr; /* help screen color */
extern char _le_help_explode_sw; /* help facility explode switch */
extern char _le_help_box_type; /* help window box type */
/* external variables from le_vid.c */
extern char far *le_video_mem; /* far pointer to video memory */
/* external variables from le_inpt.c */
extern char _le_toggle_sw; /* toggle field switch */
extern int le_skey; /* special function key switch */
/* le_vid.c prototypes */
int le_video_mode(void);
void le_set_video_mem(void);
/* le_misc.c prototypes */
void le_goto_xy(char, char);
int le_size_cursor(int);
int le_scroll_up(char, char, char, char, char, char);
int le_scroll_down(char, char, char, char, char, char);
/* le_write.c prototypes */
int le_clear_block(char, char, char, char, char);
int le_draw_border (char, char, char, char, char, char, char);
int le_write_char(char, char, char, char);
int le_write_string (char, char , char *, char);
int le_draw_hline (char, char, char, char, char);
int le_draw_vline (char, char, char, char, char);
int le_rewrite_scrn(char, char, char, char, char);
int le_write_far_string (char, char, char far *, char);
int le_fill_block(char, char, char, char, char, char);
int le_cls(char attrib);
/* le_save.c prototypes */
int le_build_buffers(int);
int le_restore_scrn(int);
int le_save_scrn(int);
int le_save_block(char, char, char, char, char);
int le_restore_block(char, char, char, char, char, char);
/* le_dbl.c prototypes */
int le_round_double(double *, int);
int le_get_double(double *, char, char, char, char, struct fkey, int);
int le_init_double_str(char *, char, char);
int le_format_double(double *, char[], int, int, char);
/* le_long.c prototypes */
int le_get_long(long *, char, char, char, struct fkey, int);
int le_format_long(long, char[], int, char);
/* le_date.c prototypes */
int le_get_date(char *, char, char, struct fkey, int);
/* le_key.c prototypes */
int le_get_key(void);
/* le_strng.c prototypes */
int le_get_multln(char *, int, int, int, int, struct fkey, int);
int le_get_string(char *, int, int, int, struct fkey, int);
/* le_inpt.c prototypes */
int le_input(struct le_input[], int, int *, struct fkey);
/* le_item.c prototypes */
int le_item_switch(struct item_struct *, char *[], struct fkey, int);
/* le_init.c prototypes */
void le_init_field(char *, char, int);
/* le_skey.c prototypes */
int le_special_key(int key_in);
/* le_util.c function prototypes */
void le_fudge_factor(void);
void le_wait(int);
int le_locate_file(char *, char *);
void le_fright_zero(char [], int, char, char, char);
int le_verify_date(char[], long *);
void le_long_to_date(long, char *);
void le_system_date(long *);
void le_init_fkey_struct(struct fkey *);
int le_word_wrap(char *, int, char, char, char);
int le_display_error(char *, char, char, char, char, char);
void le_severe_error(char *, char);
int le_is_dos_legal(char test_file[]);
/* le_menu.c prototypes */
int le_bmenu(struct BMENU *, struct BMENU_ITEMS [], struct fkey);
int le_box_menu(struct BOX_MENU *, struct BMENU_ITEMS [], struct fkey);
/* le_help.c function prototypes */
void le_read_help(void);
int le_help(int);